Group Group Boost

Author: Fear

This is just a concept.

A premium feature for group owners who want to take their groups to the next level and establish a strong presence on the platform. In this concept, group owners have the option to “boost” their groups to unlock limited-time perks, such as a verification badge. Additionally, they gain access to a public feed where boosted or verified groups can share announcements. The boost expires after 7 days and can be reactivated for a set amount of coins.


As long as the group is boosted, it is verified and remains equipped with a verification badge.

Public Feed

Using this platform, boosted or verified groups are able to share important announcements with the general public (one message every 24 hours).

Join Request

Players can request to join verified groups from the Public Feed. Group owners would have the option to either accept or decline the request, or they could disable the requests entirely from group settings.

Optional Perk

Once a group is boosted, the maximum number of members in that group is permanently increased to 1000.